About Us

Lokmani Homoeopathic Clinic

Dr. Priti Dubey completed BHMS from GHMC, Banglore in the year 1989.

I aspire to be the best homoeopathic practioner as it gives me immense inner peace in treating patients where modern medicine has no scope and homoeopathy blooms up like a ray of hope for difficult cases to treat as per modern medicine.my knowledge is my power, my perseverance is my strength and my success is when patients feels better.The key requirement of any homoeopathic practictioner is patience,empathy towards other persons suffering and carefull listening for a successful practice buildup,as sometimes all what the patient wants is just carefull listening and the patient is treated for lifetime.

Some of illnesses and health concerns one can consult the doctor for are, Ulcers, Tonsillitis, Epilepsy, Lung Disease, Eczema, Infertility, Digestive Problems, Pimples, Hair Loss, Asthma, Osteoarthritis, Hyperacidity, Fissure, Corn Removal, Parkinson Disease, Psoriasis, Tinnitus, Peptic Ulcer, Gastroenteritis, Typhoid, Piles, Kidney Stone, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, etc.